Best Family Lawyers in Whitby
Helping you Separate with dignity and move forward.
Our Philosophy
Family law issues can be very personal, difficult, and emotionally tolling. Many people assume that going through divorce proceedings will be lengthy, adversarial, and painful. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
At Lloyd & Kemper LLP Family Lawyers, we practice family law with a focus on civil, and productive process options that produce positive outcomes for what actually matters to you.
Our team specializes in all aspects of family law, including family court, alternative dispute resolution and collaborative family law, and can guide you in deciding which option is best for you, so that you can move forward with an outcome that reflects your needs.
Family Law Services
Do you need help with your family law case? You’re not alone in this. Many people will find themselves dealing with complex family law issues during the course of their lives and may need the assistance of a trustworthy legal team to get them through it. Sometimes, issues that may initially have seemed straightforward may result in complications that require legal advice.
We focus exclusively on matters related to Family Law by representing clients who are entering into a relationship, or in the process of a separation or divorce. We also represent clients who need help navigating issues of child custody (decision-making responsibility), access (parenting time) and support.
By focusing our practice specifically on this area of law, we provide our clients with thorough representation concerning matters including:
Parenting & Custody Of Children
Issues of custody and access (now called “decision-making responsibility” and “parenting time”) are often some of the most important matters to our clients. We represent clients at various stages of their family law matter, from initial proceedings, to reviews of parenting schedules and support when circumstances change. Where possible, we encourage process options that are child focused and non-adversarial, to minimize the impact of a separation on children. Where required, we zealously advocate for parents in the court process.
Child Support
This is a payment from one parent to another that helps cover expenses for children. Child support is based on several factors, including but not limited to income and time spent with each parent. Our lawyers can help you decide if child support should be altered, and how additional expenses can be covered.
Spousal Support
In some situations, you may have to be financially responsible for your spouse. This is called spousal support, and it can be determined by looking at factors such as the length of your relationship, who makes more money, and whether one spouse stayed home to take care of children. Spousal Support is a complex area of law, and a difference in incomes itself does not always result in entitlement to spousal support. Receiving independent legal advice regarding your right to receive spousal support, or your potential liability to pay spousal support, early on in the separation process can protect your interests in the long-term.
Division of Property
When experiencing a divorce or separation, you may have to divide the property owned by the family. This can include anything from the family home and vehicles, to bank accounts and pensions. Determining who gets what can be a complicated process, but our lawyers will help you through it every step of the way.
Marriage Contracts
Whether you are married, or contemplating marriage, you may need assistance creating a marriage contract. Our lawyers at Lloyd & Kemper have years of experience assisting clients in negotiating marriage contracts, which allow spouses to pre-plan their financial affairs in the event of a separation. . Our lawyers will meet with you to determine what assets are included, options for how they should be divided up, and more. We also help ensure that any debts are taken care of fairly in the division process.
Cohabitation Agreements
A Cohabitation Agreement is a contract between two unmarried people who wish to live together but want to safeguard their own interests and define what rights and responsibilities they may have if the relationship ends in the future.
Separation Agreements
Separation agreements allow two spouses to resolve the legal issues arising from their marriage or cohabitation, prior to legally ending their marriage through a Divorce. A properly drafted Separation Agreement provides the peace of mind of knowing that their financial matters are resolved, and that neither party can come back and make further claims in the future.
Divorce & Separation
We help couples divorce fairly, honestly, and in the least stressful way possible. It’s essential to carefully consider all aspects of a divorce agreement, from the division of assets and debt to child custody/parenting agreements. Our team of lawyers with decades of combined experience will help you every step of the way.
Family Responsibility Office
If you have any questions or concerns about Family Responsibility Office (FRO) matters, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Lloyd & Kemper has years of experience dealing with both recipient and payor clients involved with the FRO, and we can help you understand your rights and responsibilities.
Enforcement of Orders
If you have an existing family law order and need assistance enforcing it, our lawyers can help. We understand the importance of following through with agreements made in court and will take swift action to ensure that both parties are held accountable.
Unbundled Family Law Services
Sometimes, clients do not need full representation, but seek assistance and advice at various stages of their matter. Unbundled legal services allow you to receive expert, qualified legal representation in a cost-effective manner. We can provide legal guidance and help determine the right services to help you navigate your separation.
Client Testimonials

Need Professional Legal Help?
The team at Lloyd & Kemper can guide you through family court and divorce proceedings with dignity.
Book a consultation or find out more about which process is right for your unique situation.