Family Law Services

Decision-Making Responsibility (Formerly referred to as “Custody”)

One of the most challenging parts of divorces and separations is transitioning to a “new” life with your children. When dealing with any issues pertaining to children, the law states that the “best interests of the child” is the primary consideration in determining where a child should live, and how much time they should spend

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Child Support Whitby

When you and your ex-spouse/partner have settled any concerns over parenting time and decision-making authority, the next step is to establish the amount of child support that one parent will pay to the other. This is a crucial issue to resolve and having an experienced Ontario child support lawyer on your side can help ensure

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Division of Property Whitby

The term “property” for family law purposes can include numerous assets, not often colloquially referred to as property.  For example, bank accounts, savings, stock options, trailers, pensions, businesses, and vehicles are all considered “property”. Under the Family Law in Ontario, parties who are married are entitled to “equalize” the value of their “net family property”

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